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Advertising Rates

List Serve (Members Only)

Posting a job opening on the AAVN list serve is free for members.  This option is not available for non-members.  Members can post by sending an email to AAVN-L@LISTS.PSU.EDU or sending the ad to aavnexecutive@gmail.com

Please use the following text in the subject line of your list serve post: “Company/ Organization Name - Job Opening”

Monthly E-Newsletter and Website (Members and Non-Members)

The AAVN e-newsletter is sent to 450+ members each month. The e-news open rate is 56%

For samples of the e-newsletter click here https://aavnutrition.org/E-Newsletter

Website ads will be posted on this page https://aavnutrition.org/page-1075370

Classified Ads (including job ads) are text only and limited to 100 words.

Members can post classified ads, including job openings, at no charge in the e-newsletter and on the AAVN website.

The cost for non-Members to post a classified ad, including a job opening, in the e-newsletter is $150/ month.  This includes a 60-day run on the website.

Display Ads include a graphic or photograph (size limit: 5 MB). The cost to post a display ad or paid content is $100/ month for members or $300/ month for non- members.    The AAVN does not offer display ads on the website. 

If you have questions or would like to review sample ads, please email  aavnexecutive@gmail.com.

For-Profit Industry Content in the E-Newsletter

The AAVN accepts requests for paid content in the e-newsletter.  Please see guidelines below.

-  The cost is $500 for one month.

-  Content can be up to 150 words (approximately three paragraphs) and can include a weblink or link to PDF

-  Content will be labeled clearly:  PAID FOR AND CREATED BY XXX

-  Content must be approved by the AAVN Outreach Committee

- Content should be submitted to aavnexecutive@gmail.com  before 5:00pm EST on the first Friday of each month

- Once content is approved, the AAVN will contact you to coordinate payment.  

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