The AAVN's 23rd Annual Clinical Nutrition and Research Symposium will take place on Tuesday, June 13th and Wednesday, June 14th at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, PA .
Join us for 1.5 days of programming, including lectures, oral and poster abstract presentations, student meetings and networking opportunities. A full schedule is available here. All listed times are ET.
This program has been approved by RACE for 4 CE credits.
New this year! Join the AAVN for a Party in Philly on Tuesday, June 13th from 7 pm - 9 pm at Victory Brewing Company. Tickets are just $15 for Symposium attendees - promo code will be included in your registration confirmation- and include 2 drink tickets and a raffle ticket. Guests are welcome, additional tickets are just $25. For more details and to purchase tickets click here.
All registered attendees receive a 15% discount on registration for the ACVIM Forum (promo code is provided in registration confirmation).
While the Symposium will be an in-person event, recordings of the four lectures listed below will be available to registered attendees and AAVN members for a limited time after the live event.
2023 Speakers
Stephanie Clark, PhD, CVT, PAS, CFS, DACAS
Assistant Director of Special Services, BSM Partners
Nutritional Considerations and Pet Food Processing
A discussion of new and advancing technology in pet food that is trending among pet owners. The presentation will cover different manufacturing formulation techniques along with important nutritional considerations. Formats will include but are not limited to, extruded, baked, freeze-dried, air-dried, sous vide, and retort.
David Dzanis, DVM, PhD, DACVIM (Nutrition)
Regulatory Discretion, Inc.
AAFCO Update: The Future of Pet Food Regulation
Regulation of pet food in the US is constantly evolving. The changes proposed under AAFCO's Pet Food Labeling Modernization efforts will dramatically impact how important information is conveyed to the consumer. Details on nutritional content of the food will be presented in a format that better emulates human food labeling A clearer "intended use" statement on the front panel will help consumers better determine the appropriate purpose of the product. Finally, standardized graphics and language will instruct consumers as to safe handling and feeding.
Izabelle Teixiera, MS, PhD
Assistant Professor, Dairy Extension Specialist, University of Idaho
Sustainability Challenges of Ruminant Production
In the next decades, the human population will reach over 9 billion people and sustainable livestock production is alleged to be the main way to meet the demand for animal-origin foods of the burgeoning population. Ruminants play an important role in food security and sustainable food production as they convert a variety of human-inedible plants, crop residues, or by-products into high-quality protein for humans. The efficiency with which ruminants do such conversion is highly dependent on their diet and nutrition practices. Thus, improving our understanding of how nutrition can enhance sustainability is crucial to the environment, animal production, and the industry.
Flavia Vaduva, DVM, MBA, Nutrition Resident
University of Tennessee
Why Strategy Matters in Veterinary Nutrition
This presentation will discuss the foundations of strategic management and provide real-world examples of successfully implemented strategies. It will also focus on value creation and assessment in the context of a sustainable business strategy. Lastly, this presentation will discuss how thoughtfully designed strategies can benefit veterinary nutrition practice.
While the AAVN does not have an official conference hotel, the Symposium will take place at the Philadelphia Convention Center, in conjunction with the ACVIM Forum. You can review ACVIM's list of nearby hotels here
Thank you to education program sponsor